Wednesday, June 18, 2008

new in the neigborhood

Well, its good timing that a new restaurant has opened up down the street from us in North Berkeley named Corso, we will update you all on the food once we try it. The same was once (about 3 months ago) a cheesy, way over priced, Italian restaurant. They seemed to have alot of issues which lead to the end of their run such as large plasma tvs that displayed tourism like Italian videos and a long bout with acquiring a liquor license. I predict Corso will have a much better chance of survival..

Tuesday, April 8, 2008

Its all in the name...

So yes, I have no excuse. They say the first post is always the easiest. They are right. So here 6 months later I give to you the second post. I want to take a moment to ask "Why all the crappy Coffee Shops names are in the Bay Area?" I noticed how bad coffee shops name themselves when I moved from the East Coast to California. Names such as "Village Grounds" "Fertile Grounds", "Jumpin' Java Coffee House" (which ironically isnt around anymore) and last but not least " Its a Grind Coffee House" Its not that these shops produce bad coffee (only some) but I would think in a place full of imaginative and savvy people that there would be a greater ratio of names that stick. All this to say is it really all in the name? Why dont you sleep on that.