Tuesday, April 8, 2008

Its all in the name...

So yes, I have no excuse. They say the first post is always the easiest. They are right. So here 6 months later I give to you the second post. I want to take a moment to ask "Why all the crappy Coffee Shops names are in the Bay Area?" I noticed how bad coffee shops name themselves when I moved from the East Coast to California. Names such as "Village Grounds" "Fertile Grounds", "Jumpin' Java Coffee House" (which ironically isnt around anymore) and last but not least " Its a Grind Coffee House" Its not that these shops produce bad coffee (only some) but I would think in a place full of imaginative and savvy people that there would be a greater ratio of names that stick. All this to say is it really all in the name? Why dont you sleep on that.

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